Had so much fun yesterday at the Orlando Bounce Co first Valentine's Day Party.
I am so appreciative at everyone that came out. I hosted this to meet some locals,
get my name out there, and have some Valentine's Day Fun. Many times when I work
and coordinate events I am so busy and so is the host we don't ever really get a chance to meet. Day of parties tend to be a bit hectic especially around kids, timelines, and strict
nap times.
Photoshoot went GREAT! Always helps to have candy and other treats on hand to really
get the kids smiling. Fun Fact, if the kids say CANDY when you take a photo it will look
like a smile. The kid's had lots of energy and were ready and more than willing to start their
shoots. Cameron was a NATURAL, Noah was the SWEETEST, Jacob and his brother got the
COOKIE DECORATING started, Lilly and her sister were so ANGELIC, Ivan and his brother got the party started with the their love for BALLOONS.